The Profitec Pro 800 is a lever espresso machine with a 17lb brew group, a massive 3.5-liter steam boiler, and a vibratory pump. It can be either direct plumbed or run on its internal 3-liter reservoir.
Who is it for?
The brew group is for the espresso traditionalist who wants to pull smooth, rich shots the likes of which an electric pump will never achieve. This machine is built for someone excited to scale the steep learning curve of this classic espresso machine design.
Why do we carry it?
The Profitec Pro 800 is by far the best-built and most satisfying lever machine we’ve used, which is why it is the only one in our lineup. There’s just something magical about pulling down the lever, getting a true, soft pre-infusion, and lifting the lever at just the right moment for the perfect shot. Hearing the silent patter of espresso drops on porcelain never gets old, and neither do the smooth shots this lever machine produces.